Lore Link Lore Link

With summer on the horizon, there's a lot going on at Lore Link!


As spring continues and heads into summer, everyone’s schedule starts to get packed with tons of amazing and interesting events. Everyone is going to conventions, on vacations, or just spending a few hours connecting with friends and family. Not to be left out, Lore Link’s got a super packed schedule, as well.

Our Twitch channel took a little bit of a break this month with so many members of our team scattered around the world on their own exciting journeys, but this didn’t stop us from starting a few new exciting adventures. Mike and Mark started playing through the D&D 5e inspired video game Solasta: Crown of the Magister, and Mark started planning out the group’s adventure in the unique tabletop RPG game Floria: The Verdant Way. That adventure will play out later in this month on May 30th. If you missed the planning session for Floria and want to catch it, you can find it on our YouTube channel.

Image of Mark D.C. playing the game Solasta: Crown of the Magister. Several bandits are facing down the player's party.
In the midst of a dramatic battle with bandits…

Speaking of traveling, the Lore Link crew will be hitting the road in June, as we head to Columbus, Ohio for Origins! We’re excited to be able to demo Lore Link in public, talk to people about what we’re building with Lore Link, answer questions, and hear your interesting stories. We’ll be at booth #730.

A banner that states "We're going to Origins. Greater Columbus Convention Center. June 21 - 25." It has a picture of the Lore Link logo, as well as a multicolored hex background.
Things get more official with a cool looking banner!

Most excitingly, we’ll have one other thing to talk about with people. We’re looking to start working closer with our community by starting a crowdfunding campaign.! Our hope is to inspire and be inspired by our community, and build something great together. Watch your email for a link to the preview page once that becomes available.

A banner that reads Kickstarter in Kickstarter Green.
Coming soon…

So with all that said, there’s a lot to look forward to in the future and we’ve got a lot of work to do. So keep watching out on all of our social media for exciting news because it’ll be coming fast in the next month! We’ll see you out there!

Mark D.C. Lore Link Product Lead
A comic that shows Charlie and Wendy looking at several vendors sell wares from stalls. Goods range from fruits to scrolls to jewelry.
Charlie and Wendy are always on the lookout for a good deal.
May 2023