One great thing about tabletop role-playing games is the community surrounding it. Lore Link is not only here to be part of that community, but also to embrace it and help nurture it. Some ways we do that is by working with other game and tool makers to make it as easy as possible to use their info in Lore Link, by attending and sponsoring conventions, and by sponsoring a few live play groups we have met and talked to.
A live-play streaming group working to tell the most amazing Tales, working with an incredibly talented diverse cast. They are using Lore Link to help run their games.
The dream of AcadeCon grew from the desire to have a weekend of gaming where gamers of all types would be welcome. Their motto: Gaming with friends, old and new! In 2024, Lore Link became a Table Sponsor for AcadeCon.
Who’s Yer Con is run by the local organization Who’s Yer Gamers. It’s a three-day gaming convention based out of Indianapolis, featuring an enormous game library, a dealer hall, events, panels, and more. In 2024, Lore Link provided free three-month access codes to all attendees.
Gen Con
Origins Game Fair
Confirmed!Exhibit Hall & Events
Who's Yer Con
Confirmed!Find the Lore Link booth in the Exhibit Hall or join our events: Fri 2pm - GMing101, Sat 2pm - How to pick your next TTRPG!, Sun 10am Pendragon 6th Ed: The Sword Campaign
Podcast interview where Mark DC talks about Lore Link and how to use it to keep track of your TTRPGs.
Lore Link goes live! Lore Link started accepting public sign ups at the “World” tier as they returned to Gen Con’s Maker’s Market on the bottom floor of Lucas Oil Stadium.
Podcast interview
Returning for their second year, Lore Link continued to talk to attendees about the system.
Lore Link’s first sponsorship! In addition to providing Lore Link access codes to attendees, we also talked gaming and running games using Lore Link.
Mark D.C. was a guest on the Twitch Stream
Lore Link’s first Gen Con! Lore Link was part of Gen Con’s first-ever “Maker’s Market.” We were fresh off a successful Kickstarter, and gathering late pledges.
Lore Link’s first convention! Lore Link kicked off its successful Kickstarter campaign while hosting their first booth at Origins.
System References
Lore Link has integrated the following System Reference indexes into Lore Link.
Archives of Nethys Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Paizo’s Pathfinder 2nd Edition Remaster rules from Archives of Nethys
Blades in the Dark
Blades in the Dark RPG from One Seven Design
Chaosium BRP
The Basic Roleplaying System (BRP) from Chaosium which covers games such as Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest.