Lore Link Lore Link

This month, Mark wrote the newsletter while at Origins Game Fair!

It’s Mark Della-Croce, writing this from my hotel room at Origins Game Fair 2024 in Columbus, Ohio. First off, welcome to all of our new subscribers who are joining us here at Origins! The end of spring and the beginning of summer have brought a ton of activity to Lore Link, so let’s get into it!

Like many others, we here at Lore Link caught the Fallout bug in May. That meant we wanted to look closer at what Lore Link could do to help Overseers running Fallout: The Roleplaying Game from Modiphus. So, over on our Twitch channel, we checked out the original Fallout CRPG to get a feel for the early roots of the computer game as an almost-GURPS game, as well as capturing those first-time feelings of stepping out of a Vault into a world changed by decades of, well, fallout. Then, we took a closer look at the systems in the Fallout TTRPG and how Lore Link could help you build out that world as well as deal with potential game-stopping scavenging events. To bring it all together, I ran the Quickstart Adventure Machine Frequency using Lore Link because the Lore Link Players are known for bringing chaos to the game, and boy, did they deliver! To check out all those videos, you can check out our YouTube channel, the home of all our Live Streams and Tutorial Videos. And if you want to check out all the different systems we’ve used Lore Link with, complete with direct links to those videos, check out our Systems Page.

Screen cap of a Fallout RPG actual play, with Mark in the top right, and the Lore Link Players across the bottom reacting to a VERY poor decision by Agusta.

Here, you can see the exact moment when a complication got Luna everything they wanted... and maybe a bit too much more

In July, Mike returns, continuing his Pathfinder 2E Quest for the Frozen Flame campaign! We’ll also take a break for some Origins recovery (as well as the 4th of July), but then we’ll be back looking at how Lore Link can work with some of the cool TTRPGs we saw at Origins!

On the development side, this month’s big focus was establishing security, and we’re moving into July still working hard on Player Sharing, as well. While we want to make sure you can share your exciting campaign freely, we want to ensure you feel secure in knowing that if you share your campaign, you’re only sharing it with those you want to share it with. You’ll have complete control over who is accessing your games, with the ability to kick unwanted players and regenerate your access URL to ensure they can’t get back in, should the need arise.

Additionally, we’re also working on ways to make sure that for those of you who already have enormous campaigns (with notebooks full of notes, maps, and ideas) outside of Lore LInk, you’ll be able to more easily mass import all of those exciting places, villains, items, events, and other Lore into Lore Link in one go, as opposed to one by one.

A young man in a blue and white plaid shirt and khakis, standing on top of a giant pile of books, folders, and laptops in front of a blue cloudy sky.

Yes, I am working on a small new campaign. How'd you guess?

Finally, our last bit of exciting news is that in celebration of the first anniversary of our successful Kickstarter, we’re doing a giveaway! On JULY 1, 2024, we will take everyone on our email list, throw their names in a hat, and draw seven (7) lucky recipients of a six-month Multiverse-level subscription and three (3) one-year Multiverse-level Lore Link subscriptions. Part of the early access crew? If you win, we’ll work with you to update or extend your membership as appropriate! We hope we aren’t getting sent to your spam folder, because this will be the email address we reach out to if you’re a winner! If we don’t hear back from you within ten (10) business days, then we will have to pull another name out of the hat.

Alright, bed is calling as tomorrow is another busy day at Origins, so till next time, may you find that exciting new sourcebook you’ve been looking for!

Mark Della-Croce, Lore Link Product Lead
June 2024