Lore Link Lore Link

Hello! Mark Della-Croce, Lore Link Product lead, is here to update you on all the exciting things that have been and will be happening!

First, our Lore Link Channel got a little more varied recently. While I was on vacation, Mike stepped in to continue his in-depth look at the Quest for the Frozen Flame planning in Lore Link. But he also took a unique direction by planning out a solo adventure. He planned a Pendragon SoloQuest, The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone, which showcased how Lore Link can aid even solo GMs in breaking apart a solo adventure to make for a smooth gameplay experience. I love having different takes like this on the channel, as it is a fascinating demonstration of the versatility of Lore Link. I then returned from my island adventure with a desire to run an adventure on the high seas and selected one with a modern twist. The Wildsea sees players taking on the roles of Wildsailors, sailing a post-apocalyptic verdant landscape. This adventure requires a different mindset, with the game designer preferring GMs to set up puzzle pieces for the players to explore rather than forcing a particular path. Using Lore Link, you can build and organize a list of exciting locations and fascinating NPCs in one easy-to-navigate place. Building out these individual pieces in advance enables you and your players to create a fantastic adventure together on the fly and keep the ball rolling from session to session. If any of those planning sessions sound interesting to you, but you missed the Twitch stream, check them out on our Youtube channel.

Screen capture of a Lore Link livestream image. Mike is in the upper left corner, with a chat box below him. The main page is showing the Timeline function

Lore Link's Timeline feature is key to helping keep Pendragon's many historical events in order.

Our team has been excited by the success of the new Fallout streaming TV series, so coming up in May and early June, we’re eager to give Fallout: The Roleplaying Game by Modiphus a shot. On May 21st and 28th, I’ll be planning a Fallout adventure in Lore Link. Then, on June 7th, you can see Lore Link in action as I’ll be running that adventure with the Lore Link crew, starting at 12:30 pm EDT.

Lore Link gives you the tools to create a shared experience with your friends around the gaming table. Part of the purpose of those tools is to avoid the downtime that occurs when things have to be looked up, referenced, or just recorded (to be found later when needed). While we’ve created features to address that issue for GMs, the other side of the table just as often needs help. Modern adventures like The Wildsea emphasize building a shared world with the players, which means players need to track their progress on side quests, relationships with NPCs, or sometimes just a shared loot inventory. With that in mind, our next prominent feature for Lore Link will be Player Sharing! This feature will smooth out your game sessions, allowing for easier collaboration and fewer “Wait, who was that one NPC again?” interruptions. We’re finishing the early stages so I can show off this (VERY EARLY) sneak peek of some of our work!

Snippet of the Generate Campaign Sharing Link function, showing the campaign image, display name, the owner name, and the expiration date.

Not the final product! Still in development!

Lastly, Origins Game Fair is almost here! It will be held from June 19th to 23rd at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. We’ll be in booth 713 (see the handy map below) with demos, swag, giveaways, and possibly some awesome announcements! We’re finalizing those right now, so stay tuned to our social media (or wait for our June newsletter!) to learn more about that! And if you’ll be at Origins, stop by our booth and say hi!

A map of the Origin's Game Fair vendor hall, with arrows pointing from an entrance to the Lore Link table.

Right by the doors!

Those special surprises won’t make themselves, so I’d better get back to work. Until next time, may you be able to schedule your next sessions close enough to each other that the players remember what’s going on!

Mark Della-Croce, Lore Link Product Lead
May 2024