Lore Link Lore Link

Hello! Mark Della-Croce, Lore Link Product Lead, is in your inbox once again with another Lore Link monthly newsletter. 2024 is off to a great start, and I’m excited to discuss it!

Streaming-wise, we had a busy January as we pushed for Affiliate on our Twitch channel. Mike planned out several sessions of his ongoing Quest for the Frozen Flame Pathfinder 2E campaign. If you enjoyed that or want to watch someone run a continuing campaign in Lore Link, check his VODs on our YouTube channel. He’ll be doing more of those on the Twitch channel this month, so make sure to follow if you want to know when he goes live or like for the scheduled live streams on YouTube.

On the other hand, I wrapped up January with an actual play of the Blades in the Dark one shot I planned out earlier in the month. It was an exciting stream, with the Lore Link Heist crew barely managing to get the goods and slip out past the guards at literally the last tick of the clock! Check out the VOD of that adventure here.

Capture of a Twitch stream screen, with Mark in the upper left corner gesturing as he lays out the action happening in the game.

Clocks ticking down to disaster for our crew…

We’re keeping things moving in February. First, we discussed how we would use Lore Link to run superhero games with the cinematic RPG Tidal Breaker, which has some great rules focusing the game around the community the superheroes are supposed to be helping and improving the lives of. We then delved into the world of cyberpunk, specifically the retrofuture cyberpunk world of Hard Wired Island. We talked about how the game system uses its mechanics of burdens and prep to help make your characters more dimensional and part of the world. We also discussed how you can use Lore Link Templates to help organize the challenges and track the multiple actions you can take during each type.

Whew, that’s a lot! And we’ve got more to come! We’ve got the Quest for the Frozen Flame planning stream with Mike coming up on Monday, February 26th at 4:30 PM EST, and I’ll be streaming twice more in February, playing some great TTRPG video games! Lastly, now that we are an affiliate, if you’re enjoying the content you see on the stream, in addition to just following us on Twitch, you can throw us a subscription (you can use that dusty free Amazon Prime subscription you have lying around that, if you’re like me, you keep forgetting about!), which encourages us to keep making exciting and engaging content!

As a quick update, Lore Link is reaching some significant milestones development-wise. We’ve got a patch in final testing to correct some bugs that have accumulated over the past few months of Early Access. Once it passes testing, we’ll announce it on our social media and Discord channel, alerting Early Access users when there might be a brief interruption of the app’s service. Additionally, we’re moving forward with developing two key features: Player Users and Data Importing. There is no timeline yet on when those features will be added, but I look forward to telling you more about them in future newsletters!

Screen cap of a progress screen. Version: Next Status: Unreleased Progress: A long green bar

Coming Soon!

And last, to give an update on our convention schedule for 2024, I can officially announce that we are booked for Origins this year! So watch this space for booth number announcements as we get closer to June. Speaking of conventions, we at Lore Link would be remiss if we didn’t shout out to one fantastic convention that happens right in our backyard: Who’s Yer Con! Officially established in July of 2008, Who’s Yer Gamers is dedicated to educating the general public on the variety, availability, and benefits of hobby gaming. They plan to achieve this goal by providing free and reduced-cost opportunities to participate in publicly open events and to foster a positive relationship between the hobby gaming community and the public through charitable service. As we at Lore Link are all about overcoming all obstacles that stop people from being able to have fun at the gaming table, we’d be remiss if we didn’t take a second to give them credit for the work they are doing. Give them a look, they run from March 29th - 31st, 2024 on the East Side of Indianapolis.

Logos for Origins Game Fair and Whosyer Gamers, the people who run Whos Yer Con.

Both of them in the first half of 2024!

That’s a busy February, but it sounds like I need to get back to work. Till then, just know that dice are like a box of chocolates: you never know what roll you’re going to get…

Mark Della-Croce Lore Link Product Lead
February 2024