Lore Link Lore Link

Welcome to December and Happy Holidays! Let’s talk about everything that’s happened in the last month and what’s to come!

We had some downtime in our streaming schedule on our Twitch channel due to some pressing deadlines (more on that later!), but we did manage to take time out to play and plan out some games. Last week (12/07), we discussed planning an adventure in Cubicle 7’s Doctor Who: Adventures in Space and Time (2nd Edition). We covered all the different ways that science fiction or licensed games could go and discussed the importance of Session Zeroes in long-term campaigns to set and manage expectations. Then we put those plans into action as the whole team got together for a Holiday special, and we played through a one-shot “episode” of Doctor Who, which saw them playing as companions of the 13th Doctor being dropped off at the mall…and possibly saving the galaxy in the process. If that interests you, stop by our streams regularly on Tuesday evenings and catch those you miss on our YouTube channel

Screen cap of the Twitch screen, with Mark in the upper left with Lore Link open beneath him, the player screen to the right, and the still pictures of the players across the bottom.

A motley assortment of companions for the Doctor

So, why were we somewhat sporadic in our streaming schedule? That was because we were working on delivering Early Access to all our backers! You should have received a survey if you backed us on Kickstarter (or through pre-ordering on BackerKit). If you filled out the survey, you should have gotten one last email warning that you had 48 hours to update any information you wanted to change.

After that, backers at the $10 level and above should receive an invitation (from info@lorelink.com) to our Discord channel. You should also have received an email from BackerKit telling you that your digital rewards are available, with a link to BackerKit. Going to that page will give you a code to redeem at app.lorelink.com, giving you access at the level you backed at! If you didn’t receive ANY of these emails, please sign into BackerKit (possibly creating an account with the same email address that you backed the Kickstarter with), as we have heard reports that some people never got the backer survey, but saw the survey sitting in their account when they signed into BackerKit. If you’ve received those rewards and want to know what to do next, join the conversation on our Discord server! We’re keeping an active tab in the Support section to answer any questions or issues you may have with Lore Link and chat about TTRPGs!

Screen cap showing you where to find your survey on BackerKit, under the Backer category below Discover Projects, above Sign Out

If you haven't received your email, log into BackerKit and look here!

So, November was an exciting month, and December will see us wrapping up getting Early Access running. But the end of the year doesn’t mean we are done with Lore Link! We’ve got exciting things planned for 2024, and the best place to learn about them will be the January 2024 newsletter, so look forward to that!

Till then, may the present-bearer of your choice bring you dice that always roll well, interesting new TTRPG games, and Bestiaries full of monsters to thrill your players with!

Mark Della-Croce Lore Link Product Lead
December 2023