Lore Link Lore Link

Hello, Mark Della-Croce back again behind the wheel of the newsletter once more. There has been so much going on with Lore Link these last few weeks! Kickstarter, Gen Con, Twitch Stream, Late Backing, and more, so let’s get into it!

We’ll start with Kickstarter. We’re very excited to announce that we reached our goal, and successfully funded! Over $5000 raised and a little over a hundred backers. The whole Lore Link team is thrilled by this success. It means so much to us that we’ve created something that has resonated with GMs. We’re excited for the chance to make our vision reality, and help GMs make their lives easier (and their players’ lives more interesting) However, we’ve always been about making sure we don’t exclude anyone who wants to join, so we’ve opened up late backing via BackerKit!! If you (or someone you know) missed their chance at the Kickstarter but still wants to get into Early Access in October, this is the chance! If you’ve already backed, we’ll be sending out a pledge manager to finalize your pledge (or upgrade your pledge level if desired) in late September.
An image advertising that Late Backing and Pre-order for Lore Link being available on Backerkit

Back us today!

Immediately following the close of the Kickstarter, (we do like to keep busy around here, don’t we?) we headed out to Gen Con in nearby Indianapolis! We were offered a chance to join their new area, the Maker’s Market. Located between the Convention Center and the Stadium, this location gave us the awesome opportunity to talk to backers, exhibitors, and attendees. We had some great conversations, made some awesome connections, and in general were encouraged by people’s response to what we were doing with Lore Link. We’re not scheduled to be anywhere else in 2023, but if you have suggestions for conventions you think we should visit, let us know! We’re not averse to travel (if it fits in our schedule, more on that in a bit…) and love finding cool new conventions with thriving TTRPG communities that we can help with Lore Link.

An image of Mike sitting at the Lore Link Gen Con Booth, with a Lore Link being demoed on a monitor. The Lore Link Logo can be found on the tablecloth and the backdrop behind him.

Our booth at the Gen Con 2023 Maker's Market. Not bad for a couple weeks notice!

So now what does that mean for us and the Lore Link team? Well, as I said earlier, we’re free from the convention circuit and have a successful Kickstarter campaign behind us, so that means time at our (home) offices. Which is good, because we have Early Access to prepare for! Now we have some development time to polish up some of the rough edges we noticed while demoing at conventions as well as add a few features to make sure everything runs smoothly for when all the Early Access people join in. If you’re curious about what our team’s development cycle looks like, keep a close eye on Martine Dowden’s Twitch stream!. One of the many hats she wears is being Lore Link’s UI / UX developer, and you might catch her working on Lore Link!

A screenshot of a Twitch stream where Martine works on editing a CSS file.

Fun with CSS! We're surprised she isn't drinking coffee in this shot, to be honest!

All work and no play makes for a very stressed team, so we make sure to take some time to have fun. Our weekly Twitch Streams will continue, with us taking a look at Tabletop RPGs new and old as well as TTRPG Video Games. We of course had to join the fun and stream the first part of Baldur’s Gate 3, the latest in a game series that has been influential for many team members on TTRPGs over the years. In the coming weeks, we’ll be using Lore Link with some of the cool new mainstream and indie RPGs we found at Origins and Gen Con. Come join us and maybe discover a new favorite TTRPG! Also on August 18th, 2023, Andromeda Galactic’s Twitch Channel will host the Lore Link team and others playing Pico Park for charity. Watch comedy ensue as the team attempts to work together, and fight the impulsive instinct to push a button labeled. “Don’t Press”…

Two pixel video game characters stand on opposite sides of a button that is labelled "Don't Push"

Just one simple instruction. One. And what will they do?

Alright, that’s a lot, and we’ve got plenty to do, so I’m heading back to work! Look forward to more news, Kickstarter updates, and Twitch streams in the future. And remember that Late Backing will be open through most of September! Till our next newsletter, may your players be unable to differentiate your improv from your long term plans!

Mark Della-Croce Product Lead for Lore Link
An image of a cat sitting on a players lap at during at Tabletop RPG session. The top text reads What do you mean leather armor doesn't make you better at sneaking? The bottom text reads It is made of hide!
August 2023