Lore Link Lore Link

Tutorial Transcript

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[00:00:00] Intro


Mark: Hello, my name is Mark Della-Croce, and I'm the product lead
for Lore Link, a campaign management tool for GMs, DMs, Record Keepers,
and Chroniclers. I'm here today to walk through a simple campaign
creation to show you how Lore Link works and all the bits and pieces of
it and how we Pull it all together to build out a campaign.

We start here on your My Campaign screen. As you can see, it's got a
list of various different campaigns. You can sort by what type of
campaign you currently have. So all of these are currently in draft. If
I had some in active, those would show up for that. If I had some
archived, I could click on that.

I can also just do a simple list view if I don't want the graphics. Or
I can also reorder the list and put it in my own way. So any ones that I
have currently I feel are important, I can move to the top. So if I feel
Morning After is more [00:01:00] important, I can save that. And then
go back to this screen and now Morning After is the first one in the

[00:01:07] Creating a Campaign

Mark: But let's talk about actually creating a new campaign. So, go
over here to Create a New Campaign, click on that. Here you can set that
status, if you want to say you're creating one that's already active.
Or you can create one that's in draft. Or you can set it to archive, if
you don't want it to show up in the list.

I'll give this campaign a name. I've had an idea kicking around in my
head of a Seven Samurai-type game with paladins instead. We will use a
system, we'll do Pathfinder Second Ed. The system itself is not
necessarily important. We do not enforce a particular system. We have
tools for various systems that will help aid them, but all-in-all we are
system agnostic.

So let's give this a quick description, a priest from a forgotten
temple [00:02:00] approaches seven paladins of differing faith asking
them to defend a temple under, a relic under siege from an undead
lord.…and his minions. Then the introduction might be what you use to
describe it to your players, what you're going to actually tell them at
the start. So it might be you give them a.… maybe it's more of a
movie trailer type thing.

This is a WYSIWYG editor. It's also Markdown. So you'll see if I
highlight this and click bold, it puts in the Markdown code for me. So I
don't necessarily have to know the Markdown code in order to actually
execute it. So that puts it in there. You've got your various different
things that tell us italics.

You can put images in, you can [00:03:00] increase the levels, you can
increase the headings. And then you can just, if you need to remove it,
you can just go in and remove it. Let's go ahead and save this and then
we will move on into actually creating the campaign itself. So when I
save it, I get brought into here.

Now you can see we're on the actual campaign screen itself. We have
various different types of objects and items that we can create here. We
have more information about the campaign that we can fill in. One of the
things about Lore Link is that we know the fact that we have not covered
every detail.

So if you find yourself wanting to add a particular custom field say for
example you're running this as a Pathfinder Society game, or maybe
Adventure League, and you want to add in information which are specific
to those different continual-play, living-play type games, you can add
those in there so you can record those details there. So you don't have
[00:04:00] to try to shoehorn them into description or introduction.

We also have images up here, so if you have a, an icon, or something
like that, you saw on the previous page all of the, icons that basically
had little background images to them. So if I want to, let's say, for
example, I think, Oh, I've got a, I've got an image here.

Let's go with this one as our kind of mood type image for this. And
we'll do that for the title of the background as it were. As well. Go
back to people. And then, we will pick that same image. There. These are
all images that I have uploaded to my image library. We'll talk about
that more later. But, note the fact that I have folders I can search

I can search by words. I can just do an entire search of everything,
rather than go to a [00:05:00] particular folder. But for example, if
I'd rather, if I wanted to be smarter, I could have typed in, Golden
Knight, and it would have pulled up that Golden Knight one.

[00:05:08] Accessibility & Alt Text for Images

Mark: Also note the fact that we at Lore Link do take accessibility
seriously. So we make sure that we have things like image titles and alt
text right here, so you can add those in so that this isn't an
afterthought. You can see them here, you can load them in, they will be
available from the moment that you create them. So let's go ahead and
insert that one. And then we'll save that. And now that image has been

And if we come back, basically we go back to the campaign page. We'll
see that our icon is here. It has it in draft status. It's got that
icon in the background. So we can click on it, and we're going to take
it back here, and we can see in the background our image is also loaded
there as well, giving the page a little bit of color.

[00:05:54] Deciding on Your Approach

Mark: Alright, so the next step is, of course, always the tricky
one. When you're a GM, there's a [00:06:00] lot of different
starting points for how you want to create a campaign. Maybe you want to
create a campaign that's.… is based around events and things like
that, and that's how you build it out, is you have a bunch of events in
your mind.

Maybe it's more of a dungeon crawl, and you're all about the location,
and you want to build the locations out. Maybe you're more character
based, and you want to create characters, or creatures, or villains, and
you want to build it out from there. Or maybe you're more of a
historian type, and you like to build out your world, and.… all of the
events and things like that and build up a timeline based around that.
All of those are valid and Lore Link does not force you to pick one that
you start with. You can bounce around and we'll get into that here in a
bit. But just know the fact that this video, while it is long, It does
have chapter marks that you can see in the description below that will
link you to the various different points in here where we discuss the
various different sections.

So if you come to this video and you're looking for a particular
section, just go ahead [00:07:00] and click on that below and that
will take you to the area that is in the video where we talk about that
particular section of Lore Link. For now, let's say, let's go ahead
and basically move on and I think we'll start with Events.

[00:07:15] Lore Link Navigation Tips

Mark: All right, before I go much further, let me take care of some
quick housekeeping things in here. Things that may be helpful in
navigation and buttons and things like that, just to make it easy as
possible for you to get around. Whenever you're on a list, you will see
at the top of a list, we have the filter box.

So if you need to filter down you want to see stuff that says city in
it, you can type in city and it filters it down. Whatever you want, you
can filter it by that. Each of the rows on top can be sorted by name,
short description, status, whether something is active or not.

The active status has to do with this button; over here you have
archived. So again, if you want to have something that is you want to
keep it around because maybe you have important [00:08:00] notes
associated with it, but maybe the character died and you really don't
need that showing up in all of your notes again and again and again, you
can easily just use this archive feature.

So if I go into something like the Ambush at the Inn, maybe I decided
we're really not going to do that, but maybe I've got some useful
ideas in there. Maybe I'll bring it back later. I can mark it as
archive, save it. And now if I go out back to events, it no longer
appears in the list of events in active events.

If I click show archived, it will then pop up as an archived thing so I
can quickly still see it and get to it. It still exists, it's still
here. It is marked as archived on the top just to make sure that you
know. And you can always just unarchive it, just as simple as that. And
that allows you to bring it back into the list and now it's back there
with everything else.

Sometimes you may have something you're like, Oh, that was a really
good idea, but I want to create another one kind of like it with a few
things tweaked. You can quickly just duplicate it. So you click on
[00:09:00] duplicate. It'll tell you how you want to duplicate it.
You can change the name, it defaults to copy of. You can say which
things come along with it. Do you want to take Notes? Do you want to
take its Tags? Do you want to take associated Game Objects and Triggers?
For locations, it may be associated locations, child locations, things
like that. All of that can be in here and you can click this copy and it
will let you duplicate a.…existing event, just like this is the event
or location or character. Most of these have this in this action bar
thing here. We talked about being able to archive things. Sometimes you
don't want to have to go into everything and you're like, okay, none
of these ideas worked.

You can click on multiple here. We've selected, you can duplicate
multiple, you can archive multiple. You can just click on like archive
and it'll say, okay, archive lore may not appear in some of your lists.
Like archive stuff will generally not appear in when you are linking
between things.

Because if you've archived it, you said you're not really, it's not
really [00:10:00] active. So we don't want to include it in lists
like that. So just be aware if you archive something, it's not going to
show up in your searches elsewhere in the system. So you click archive.
Now both of those have been marked as archived. You can always go back
in there and, in this case, remove them. And if you don't want to see
archived, click Hide Archived, and they're gone.

On any page, you will generally see we have a set of buttons that will
generally appear in the corner here, and every page will have this plus,
which will let you Quick Create any of these type of lore that you need,
Tags, Characters, Locations, Events.

So if you have an idea and you want to capture it quickly, use the quick
create to do that. When you're on a given page, the save button is
there just so you can, wherever you are on the page, you can quickly
save whatever it is you want to save. Generally at the top if a lore has
things associated with it, like Game Objects or Triggers, you can click
these buttons and it will take you directly to the association page
right here, so you don't have to scroll down to that section.

And last, the Notes thing, whenever you're dealing with something, you
may have a note that you just want to throw on it, and we wanted to make
sure you can quickly and easily just add notes to things. And so that
note button is going to always be there. Even if you're viewing this,
basically this button up here in the corner, by the way, the eye
switches it to view mode, the pencil switches it to edit. But if you're
in view mode, note that your save button goes away and any fields which
haven't been filled out, go away. But Notes are always there because
even if you're running a game and you don't want to mess around typing
things or anything like that. Notes are there as a quick way of just
throwing a note down.

You'll also tend to see this grid up here in the corner. What this
tells you is what things are associated with other things. So if you
come back to the Events page, it's like, okay, you've linked some of
these things, you haven't linked these other things, other Events. This
is so you can even link Events to some Game Objects.

This is so you know the fact like, oh, hey, you know what? I've got
some orphaned objects out there that I haven't really connected into
other [00:12:00] things. That's what these boxes are for, is to help
you understand what have I connected to other things? Because if you're
running a campaign, something that's just by itself somewhere else
could get easily lost, maybe it gets forgotten when you're playing a
game. You want to be able to pick those out relatively quickly and so
that's what those grids are, because we are, again, it's Lore Link and
so we like to be able to show you what you've linked and what you

Because your game worlds tend to have everything interconnected in some
confusing manner and things like that, but that's what Lore Link is
here to mitigate. All right, let's continue on.

[00:12:37] Events pt. 1

Mark: Hello, let's talk about Events. Events in Lore Link are meant
to represent periods of interaction with your players. This could be a
meeting where they meet the king. You could use this to mark a time
period where the players are building something up. Maybe it's a
downtime series of events in there. You've got a campaign where
they're like, okay, this is where we build the town or build the
kingdom if [00:13:00] you're running something like Pathfinder's
Kingmaker series or other things like that. It isn't necessarily forced
to be just event meetings, it can be more than that.

Let's go ahead and set up our meeting for this campaign. So we need to
have a meeting where this priest-like character shows up and talks to
the party. We're doing a very cliché possibly meet in the tavern-type

So let's just go ahead and create that out here. So we'll start by
creating an event. We can click on this or we can click down here. We
can Create a New Event. It's going to pop up over here and we can
either quickly type in some details, or we could type them all in here
it's up to you. We have a larger screen for that, but this is more of a
quick get the shell of the idea out of your head. So, Meeting with the
Priest, let's just do that. And I'm just going to save that
immediately so I can show you what that looks like. It's going to add
it into here and in this list.

[00:13:58] Templates

Mark: We have templates as [00:14:00] well. What templates are for
is when we last, when I was talking about campaigns, I mentioned custom
fields. Or maybe just, you have a series of set information you want to
include and you don't want to have to retype that over and over and
over again. Templates are there to help avoid repeatedly typing.

So you can create a template and have it keep filling in all of that
data automatically so you don't have to keep doing it. We'll talk more
about that when we get to Game Objects; go ahead and click on the Game
Objects chapter, if you want to know more about that. For now, let's
focus on the Event.

[00:14:36] Events pt. 2

Mark: So we've created this event and so now we're taken to the
event details screen here. As you can see, we can add an image much like
we did for the campaign. If you have an idea of, oh, I've got this
setting in mind where I want this to take place, or maybe a mood image
or something like that, you can add that in here.

We can give this a short description to help us find it. If we have a
large list of [00:15:00] events, the short description will appear
next to it. And often times when we're linking things together, that
short description will appear as well. So let's make that clear: " The
priest appears battered and bruised, and begs the players for their

Maybe you want this to be a little bit shorter, so we'll just call it
"The Priest appears." Maybe we'll put the rest of that in the
description here. "The Priest appears, battered, and begs the players
for their help." You could have dialogue in here, we could have a
series of bullet points of things that the priest should mention. Like
we want to make sure that they mention "location of the temple,
importance of the artifact, blessing of the Gods," you can put that all
in there, if I click on this preview, I can see what it looks like ahead
of [00:16:00] time, so I can see those bullet points, if I add it in
if I wanted to italicize things, just to call them out, I can do that
there, and then I can save that either through the save button there, or
no matter where I am in the screen, I can always click the save button
over here, you don't have to scroll all the way down to this save
button at the bottom.

We do have an archive thing, so if you come up with an idea, and you
decide to shelve it, or maybe it's happened and you don't want to deal
with seeing it in the list anymore, Archived will hide it from the list.
It won't delete it. You can delete if you want. But archiving it is a
way of keeping these things without having them clutter up your screen
with all of the stuff that you're going to put into here.

Okay, so now that we've created the description, maybe we've got more
of a script in here. But we want to link to things that we've talked
about in here. So we have this priest that we've talked about, but we
haven't created the priest because we decided to start with events.

And that's kind of the problem you can run into as a GM, is
[00:17:00] you end up in this loop of "I need to create this event,
that means I need to create this character, which means I need to create
this item, which means I need to create this event talking about the
item. And it means I need to create the location where the item is
stored," and you can end up in this loop where you're constantly
coming up with this other thing that you need to build first, and you
can't find anywhere to start. Rather than force you to pick a starting
location, what we've created is the fact that we have a quick create
system that allows you to quickly just create items anywhere from where
you are.

So if I get to this point in here and I'm like, "Oh, I need to create
the priest character, or at least I want to create a quick shell so I
can link to it here." I can just click on this Quick Create button
located here. And it's going to pop up this list of all of the
different, what we call Lore in Lore Link that is available.

So if I wanted to create a character quickly, I can click Character.
It's going to pop this open here. Game Objects are our characters, our
villains, our items, our transportations, our monsters. [00:18:00] All
fall under Game Object, but we've given them slightly different names
so you can organize them better.

So let's go ahead and call this The Priest. And maybe we have an image
that we want to throw for them. Let's go with, I think I've got a,
this guy's bruised and tattered. So yeah, let's take the tattered man
image. We'll insert that. We can get more descriptions here or less.
Again, we're creating this kind of quickly. We can save that. Now
we've created that Game Object without having to leave our Event.

So now if we want, we can just associate it here. And we can see, oh,
the Priest is there. We can associate it. If we get to this point and we
realize we haven't created it, we can create it right here. But we can
go ahead and associate it. And now this priest is associated with this

So if we get to this event while we're doing it, we need to look
something up about it, somebody asks, "Oh, hey does he have this? Or
does he have that?" Or, you want to make a note on the [00:19:00]
Priest about something that happens. You give him a particular accent,
or a way of speaking, or maybe you call out a particular scar or bruise
that comes to you and at the moment you want to make a quick note, but
you're looking at this event here, you can hop over to the priest just
like that, and then you can create a note down here with this quick
button right here, creates a new note, and you can say, "has a long
scar running down his left cheek" because you decide to give that
detail and you wanna make note of that. Now you can add that there, you
could have added it to the description. Now it's listed in the notes
here. I can mark it as secret from the players or not. And then it's,
we can go back to the event relatively quickly.

Just go back to the event and we can go, then it's gonna go from there.
Now we've created, we can create the event. We can also create triggers
and other things. So we can say this event [00:20:00] triggers another
event, which triggers another event. We can associate another one.

So let's just Quick Create another event. We'll say Ambush at the Inn,
attacked by minions. We can save that. Now we can associate that. Create
trigger. And now we've created that, now we can go from this event to
the next event, and we know that these events are linked together.

The other thing we can do is, we've talked about creating these lists
down here. Sometimes you don't want to have to deal with it in lists.
Maybe you want a list of things, maybe you just want it included in your
text itself. We have the ability to quickly reference it. We can say,
"after the priest is finished speaking, skeletons bust into the inn
starting.…" and we want to put the link to the event here. Now we
could go to the page, look it [00:21:00] up, and copy and paste the
link in here. But that's a lot of work. And we already have all this
information in the system. So let's just have the system look it up.

So with the at symbol. Events. And then we can say find events, and then
we say ambush. Ambush at the Inn. Hit enter. And now it's built that
link out for me, and if I click on that link, it's going to take me
directly to, if I right click and open a new tab. You can see that that
takes me to the Ambush at the Inn event.

So, that's kind of events in the nutshell. Events are used throughout
the systems. You can link events to locations. You can have a timeline,
which is a series of different events that are organized differently.
And you can use your sessions that you build out for your players could
be a list of events that you intend to happen during that session. So
events are used all over the place and you can link all of them through

All right, next let's go ahead and talk about locations and how we
build those out.[00:22:00]

[00:22:00] Locations

Mark: Locations are a complicated thing in games. Sometimes they can
be as broad or as generic as "the city" if you're in an urban
campaign, in a more modern campaign. Maybe it's a world if you're in a
science fiction-type campaign. Or maybe it's more specific, it could be
a dungeon and the locations can come boiled down to just individual
rooms, which are all connected to each other or inside of a larger

Maybe you have a giant sprawling castle that they're making their way
through with various traps and other things. And it can get really
complicated to keep track of what is where and what it's related to.
Maybe you sometimes have stacking conditions. And you always get that
one player who wants to know every last bit about that. And you're
realizing, "oh wait, I left a note about that somewhere else," and it
can be a pain.

So we've tried to make locations easy to navigate and get through and
get around, so that even when you're creating it, it's relatively
[00:23:00] straightforward. And then when you're running it, it's
even easier to be able to go from point A to point B without having to
go back and say, wait, where was this again in relation to what?

So, we have a location already created for you by default. We have
something known as a Campaign World. And it is just a generic location
that is created, that everything will be a child of. What it can be used
for is you can use this to store general information about your world if
you want to be really specific about, "okay, in this campaign world,
we've got forces of magic do this" and if you're Brendan Sanderson,
you write a 16-page document on all the different ways that everything
works in detail; a lot of GMs like to do that, they like to build that
out, that's what this Campaign World is for. You can put all that
information up there, so it's easy to locate, it's all gathered in one
place, you don't have to go looking for it. It also gives you access to
child descriptions, which we will talk about here just in a bit.

[00:23:58] Create New Location

Mark: Let's say you want to [00:24:00] create a new location.
Let's say you want to have a palace that the players are going to go to
confront the evil overlord, this evil undead overlord, in this campaign
we're creating.

So let's go ahead and create that. We'll call it the Palace of the
Dead. Ominous name. We can give it an image if we happen to have one.
We'll talk a little bit here in a bit about how images work and things
like that. Especially when we get to the map, we'll load in something
like that. We have our image, then we can have a read aloud. A lot of
times when you have a character, walking into a dungeon a lot of times
there's a little bit of text you want to throw at the players this just
as soon as they show up that just says, "in this room it's a 10 by 10,
there's an orc in a corner, he's guarding a treasure chest, the walls
are green, the floor is blue." You can say something about "the night
air stinks of evil as you approach this horrific-looking castle.
[00:25:00] Screams seem to continually split the air." You can have
more of a description for you, giving more information about basically
like "the castle is 20 feet tall, it's made of black obsidian." Et
cetera, et cetera.

And then child descriptions. I'll go ahead and click this in here so we
can see this a little bit better. Let's turn previews off, you don't
have to leave those on if you don't want to see exactly what you're
typing in terms of formatting and things like that.

So child descriptions, it says notes displayed on all children. I talked
about how you can often have structures related to other structures.
I'm going to have this evil castle location thing and maybe it's going
to have multiple floors. Each floor may have a different style to it,
maybe it'll have different [00:26:00] effects on it, and a lot of
times you'll get those notes that you create for what you're building
out that have to do with a particular area or location. Maybe certain
spells work here differently, maybe the walls are made of this, the
floors are made of that. Because you always get that player who's like,
"what's the lighting like in here?" And you're like, oh, okay. I put
the lighting notes for the entire floor. You don't want to have to put
that lighting note in every room. You just want to make one lighting
note and say, " all rooms are lit with everburning torches." Done.

You'll see when I actually create children underneath it, that note
will be available to it when I'm running the game. In view mode, I can
see that note.

So we can also add in a few other things, " the walls are ten feet
thick." And maybe there's a spell effect going on. Maybe this place is
consecrated to the Deity of the Pallid Princess, one of the deities of
[00:27:00] undeath in Pathfinder 2nd Ed. And so you might want to put
down, "castle is under a Consecrate spell to Urgathoa."

[00:27:15] Linking to Rule Systems Within Lore Link

Mark: Now, we'll take a brief aside here. So, when we say, okay,
it's a Consecrate spell to Urgathoa, you might think, "oh no, now I
have to remember what the Consecrate spell does and what does that mean,
and what are the details in Urgathoa? What's her follower alignment?
What's her edict? What's her anathema? I can't remember that and I
have to go look that up." Well, we understand that can be such a pain,
but there are a lot of great resources that already exist on the

For example, Archives of Nethys has done a wonderful job in creating a
site that has a lot of this information already available on the
internet and you just need the link to it. Now you may be like, "well,
I have to go to the website, look this up, copy the link in."

We have worked with Archives of Nethys and they [00:28:00] provided us
an index that we have sorted out and put into the game, much like we can
do with other SRDs out there. We're not meaning to be a repository for
rules or anything like that, but if they exist already, we'd love to be
able to link to them so you can have easy access.

You may remember I had that when I was working with events, I created a
reference. So I type at, if I go to rule systems, I can type in a
Pathfinder Second Ed and we're going for the spell, so this is Rituals,
so we'll go ahead and select Rituals, and then we'll just type in
Consecrate, and boom!

Now we have a link directly to the Consecrate ritual right there in our
descriptions. We can do the same thing with Urgathoa, so again, Rule
Systems, Pathfinder Second Ed, and this time it's Deities, and then we
type in the name of the deity in question here, Urgathoa. And boom! Now
we have a link to [00:29:00] that. Now I don't have to worry about
that. I can save this. If you check the preview.… those are links
right there, and if I right click and open that in the new tab, I'm
taken directly to Archives of Nethys site. It tells me what the spell
is, and I haven't left my own notes. I didn't have to come here and
look it up. It's just quick and easy.

Again, is it a major problem to do this on your own? No, but is it a
little bit more time that you have to take every time you do something
like that? And again, the whole point of this is so that you can quickly
get back to what you want to be doing which is interacting with your
players. You don't want to be looking rules up. You don't want to be
looking up deity names and things like that. You want these things to be
quick because you're here to have fun. You're here to interact with
the players and have them interact back with you.

[00:29:44] Back to Location Editing

Mark: We've created that description for this palace floor here.
Now we can go ahead and create things inside this palace. For example, I
could create an entire floor. I could say the Ground Floor. So now I've
got a Ground Floor as a child.

If I go to [00:30:00] the Ground Floor, and remember I said when
you're looking at notes from parents, there's that note already there.
So in addition to all of the information I could already have here,
talking about "floor is completely different than you'd expect,.…
well lit, with plenty of windows, and gold trim." And we can have that
all here and then we can create a child underneath that, maybe we have a
Main Hall as a child under that. And maybe we also have off that main
hall there is a Throne Room.

So now we have two different things which are on this floor here. This
Main Hall and this Throne Room here. I can go to that and I can go ahead
into the Main Hall. Maybe we give it an image. Let's just quickly go
through [00:31:00] here. There's a great hall image I've got. Let's
save that.

And now, if your players are exploring this, and you're doing a little
bit more of a dungeon crawls-type thing, you may want to go from the
Main Hall to the nearby Throne Room which you know is connected. But,
you're like, "oh, maybe I have to go back to the parent, the ground
floor, and then I have to click on children, and then I can jump over to
the throne room from there." Well, that's a couple extra clicks. And
again, we're all about making this a little bit faster.

So instead, you also have associated locations, which we'd usually tend
to mean rooms which are connected to this room not necessarily under one
group, because let's say you have a staircase that goes from floor one
to floor two, and you want to separate that out so it's a different
parent, but you still want them connected so you can jump between them,
we can associate an existing location, we can say the Main Hall we
created earlier, and there it is. Now we've got that there and now we
can quickly jump back and forth between the [00:32:00] Main Hall and
the Throne Room, just like that. And we don't have to go looking back
and go back up to the parent to get to it, et cetera, et cetera.

Let's go back to the Ground Floor though. There's an even easier way
and a lot of times when you're running an adventure, you'll create a

So let's go to the parent here. We've got this Ground Floor, and we
want to create a map and we want to attach this map to that. Now, we
don't currently have a map loaded. I've already created a map. Let's
go ahead and load that in.

[00:32:28] Adding Images to Library

Mark: So we're going to talk about images here really quickly. So
you have an image library in Lore Link and it's a fully featured kind
of thing. There will be limits on how much you can upload based on your
subscription level. During testing, there currently aren't any limits,
but eventually they're going to come into place.

You can create folders, you can search through those folders, you can
add tags and things like that. So for example, if I go to all those
people you saw earlier, so I've got all these image created in here,
I've got tags associated with them to make searching for them easier.
I've got [00:33:00] keywords, I've got the alt text there so that
screen readers and things like that can pick those up so I'm not
disenfranchising anybody else who wants to be in this campaign because
of what tools they may be using.

So let's say I want to add a new map. So let's go to the map folder
here. And I'll click add image. And so I'm going to quickly type in
Ground Floor Plan and then maybe I'll add some keywords: maps palace.
And then a description for the alt text so this is "a ground floor,
main hall, two large rooms with many windows branching off of it." And
then let's go ahead and drag in our image here. Alright, and we'll
save that. Now [00:34:00] you can see I've uploaded that map right
there. I can pull it up. I can look at it. It's got my tags on it. All
set to go.

[00:34:06] Finishing Up the Location

Mark: So let's go back to that ground floor. We talked in terms of
wanting to make this easy. We have got this hierarchy set up. So if you
want to create things off of child you've got this button here. Again,
just little time savers that we like to throw in here. So let's go to
the ground floor. Let's add that map. Go to the map folder. Ground
Floor. And if I want to for this particular one I could change it. If I
wanted to say this is an ominous ground floor. I could change it for
just this particular instance of it.

But now that I've added that, I've got that there. If I quickly
refresh the page. Oops, I forgot to save. That was my problem.
Associating an image doesn't link it, you need to save it. So if you
lose something and you're like, Oh, I thought I associated with it,
just because you inserted it doesn't [00:35:00] mean you necessarily
wanted to save it. You need to actually click save. There we go. Now
this map has been added. Now let's reload. And we will see that the map
is now available as an option. We click on that. We can now see the map
that we imported.

But, it would be even more useful if we could actually click on those
locations. A lot of times you'll get maps in modules. For example, if
you're not building your own, maybe you're building a module out,
it'll have A1, A2, A3, A4, A5.

Sometimes they'll be in an order that makes sense, sometimes not. But
in any case, you have to go to that and you're like, "okay, A1. What
one A1 again? Is A1 the kitchen, is A1 the bathrooms, is A1 the front
hall. Okay, where is that?" What if instead we allowed you to add
hotspots to the map?

So let's go ahead and maybe we'll call this room the throne room. And
maybe we'll call this the main hall, [00:36:00] just to name that. So
now we have those locations right there. We can change if we want, if we
decide, oh, now maybe this isn't a throne room. Maybe instead we want
this to be.… we want this to be the palace or something else. We could
change it back and forth. We could come in here and edit it. We could
delete it if we wanted to. Or if we want to move it, you can come up
here to Move Mode and you could say, no, actually that's the room is
going to be the, that room over here is going to be the kitchen.

Let's go ahead and move this one to this room over here. And now with
that, it is there, we can go ahead and save that. So now if we go and
look at this in view mode, you can see that the edit options have been
removed. But now we can click on that and say Main Hall and says, tells
us main hall, we click on it, it automatically takes us to the main hall
just like that.

And now basically now we can easily navigate between our areas on the
map. It's just one more way of making it a little bit easier
[00:37:00] to go back and forth between all of these different
locations without having to hop around and flip pages back and forth in
your notes or in a module or something like that.

Alright now that we've got these places, we should probably put some
stuff in it. So we'll go ahead and talk about Game Objects and what
they represent next.

[00:37:25] Game Objects

Mark: Alright, let's talk about Game Objects next. Now we've kind
of brushed on this in a couple of different areas because Game Objects
are kind of the, the props that you fill everything else with. They're
the actors in your events, they're the items and other things you put
in your locations, they're all of those things.

Let's go ahead and create some Game Objects and show you how that
works. Game Objects are relatively straightforward. They're blank
templates on purpose because, again, they're the building blocks that
you're building everything else with.

If you want to [00:38:00] have characters, like we talked about
earlier, we have the Priest. So the Priest can be a character. If you
wanted to add other NPCs and things like that, those fall under this
category. Creatures could be things like monsters. For example, if I
wanted to say a skeleton showed up here, I could do skeleton.

I can say, maybe creature level one or negative one, I think they are in
Pathfinder. And then I can have a description. I can save that, and now
they show up as a creature, just like that. I can go in here I can
associate an image with them.

There we go. Monsters, skeleton. Cool. Go ahead and insert that. Now we
have an image for it. Now we can type a description for it. And again,
like we talked about a little bit more detail in locations, rules
references can really make your life a lot easier. In this case, if we
say Pathfinder 2E, oops, make sure we click on it.

There we go. We say monsters. [00:39:00] I can just call out their
skeletal champion, skeletal horse, giant, guard. Let's say I want to
use the stats on the guard, I can just link that there. And now I've
built that out and I'm linking to the actual Pathfinder 2, hosted on
Archives of Nethys, stats and things like that. So I don't have to fill
them out here. I can; I can either build these out as their own thing.
They can have like strength 15, dex 16, et cetera, et cetera. I could
build that out like that. I could also use custom fields that we talked
about. And I can have a whole set of custom fields.

So it can be like strength, and this is strength, and it's a short
field, which means if you're a programmer, you may be going, short
isn't a number, no, this is a short text field. There's a short text
field, there's a long text field, there's an actual number, or you can
have an image. So I can say a short text, I can add that in, then I'm
like, wait, maybe I don't want it to be a short, I can't really change
it, so I can [00:40:00] delete it, and it's gone.

And now I can add another one. And I can say strength, and instead I
want this to be a number, let's say, number. And I can just keep adding
those, I can add multiple of those, strength. I can even have the I can
have an attack field, which could be a larger field. That discusses
their actual types of attack.

And index is going to be how they're listed on the page. So if I want
this one to appear after strength, I can save it like that. It's asking
me to reload the page just so I can show that. And if I come up here,
you can see strength is here as a number field. There's attack just
like that.

The key thing is if I'm going to create a lot of different monsters It
may become a pain to keep adding those custom fields. That's where we
have the if you do it once and you go, oh, actually I want to do this a
lot, we have this button here that says Create [00:41:00] Template
From Lore. You can click on that. Only default and custom fields with
their values will be copied to the template. I click confirm and then I
can link to it and it's going to override them because it's linking it
to the template.

So now the skeleton is based on the skeleton template. If I go to
creatures, I can see I have a skeleton template here. So I can instead,
if I wanted to change this to, let's say Pathfinder 2E creature
template. And now if I save that, I've got this image. I could be like,
okay, I don't think the image should be in there.

So I can remove that image, and delete that. I can say creature level
instead. Now if I do all of this, because the skeleton is still linked
to it, if I click save, I'm going to blank all of that out. So now this
is available as a template that looks like that. If I go back up here,
you'll note the fact that the name of this creature in here changed to
that because they were [00:42:00] linked.

Which means any changes I make to the template are reflected on anything
I've created from it. If I needed to update something that I want to
change all of the things based on that template, I can change the
template, and it automatically updates all of it.

If I want to break it, so for example I want this to have a unique name,
I can unlock it here, and then I can type in skeleton, and now this is
called a skeleton again, and I can unlock the image as well, and
reassign that to be the skeleton image.… and I can save that. And if I
look at that, now it is separate from the template, but it's still
linked, so if I go to creature level if I want to call it CR because
I'm feeling old school, I can go CR and I can save that. If I go back
to Creatures, it's changed the sort description as well.[00:43:00]

That is a way you can save yourself from having to create something over
and over and over again. And you might do that with an item, for
example. You may create an item template that is a lot of different
magic items. They have specific sets, like you want crafting time, or
things like that. Or maybe you're creating a bunch of wands and you
don't want to keep copying in that same text on how wands work, or if
you're smart, you're linking to it on AoN using that rules reference
you can just create the template.

Items are going to be your items, Villains, if you wanted to create your
villains, so if I wanted to have the, basically the Undead Overlord, and
I just put that in there and I create, grab a quick picture for him,
let's say people, undead king, there we go, that'll work great, grab

I could have a bunch of stuff in here: "King Lichdar was old even when
the dragons were young," et cetera, et [00:44:00] cetera. And I can
put all my background I need about that in there. I can create an item
if I need to put an item someplace, like the Magic Orb of Dragon

MacGuffin, McGuffin, depends on how you want to look at it, whether
it's Mc or Mac, it's up to you. And you can have the descriptions in
there, you can have stats, you can have, "once a day cast dominate
monster on a dragon," or something like that. Now I have this item.

Transportation, basically you could be an airship in a fantasy campaign,
a starship, if you're having a traveler game, obviously cargo space and
things like that could be a big thing and you want to have to deal with
all of that. So that could be in there. And you can, again, you can
create templates for those because I know Starfinder has templates for
their spaceships and their mechs. So if you're creating those, you may
want templates for that so you can get those stats the same.

Now that I've created these items, I can go back into things like my
location. Let's put in the Throne Room. That's where our [00:45:00]
bad guys, so we have an Associate Game Object. We can say associate and
it's going to list my different types of game objects here. And I want
to say the Undead Overlord is in there.

And I associate that there and boom. Now the villain is in his throne
room. And he's listed in that location. So I can quickly jump to there.
And again, remember instead of having to include him in that list, I can
use the at symbol, type Villains, and then say Undead Overlord. Boom.
Now I've got a link to him in my description. Just like that.

You can also do the same thing in associate events. So again, to find
the Undead King. Maybe you want to associate the Undead King in there as
well. Undead Overlord, I can find him, there we go. So there, you've

Locations you can add items to. So in the main hall, maybe the orb is
just laying there on the ground in the main hall for whatever reason
you've decided to put it there. You can associate the [00:46:00] game
object there. There's our Magic Orb of Dragon Command, associate.

Now it's sitting there, and it's associated with that location. Just
like that. All of that is there. And again, remember, while they are the
building blocks and you can build up to them, don't always think that,
"oh, I've got to stop and create all of my characters, all of my
creatures, all of my villains, all at once."

What you can do instead is - some people that's the way their brain
works. They want to build all the building blocks the lower level first
and then build up from there. Some people are more scatter minded they
want to go through things and as they think of them you can go into here
and just create them as one shot.

So if I suddenly go, Oh, I want to actually, not just the Orb of Dragon
Command, I want the Sword of Undead Slaying to be here from a previous
hero. And so I'm going to save that. And I've just quickly created
that. And if I want to associate that as well, I can associate that
right there. And now the Sword of Undead Slaying is also right there.
Boom. Just like that. I don't have to [00:47:00] deal with jumping
back and forth. I don't have to leave this page. I don't have to
abandon my train of thought. I can just create it as I'm thinking about
it right there. Again, the whole point of Lore Link is that you're
creating these things and then linking them together as you come up with
them, so we wanted to make it as easy as possible to connect them all

Alright, we've got a lot of different categories and things like that,
but you may want to add your own categorizations to things, and so
that's why we have tags.

[00:47:32] Tags

Mark: Okay, we've talked about a lot of different categories of
different types of Lore. We have Characters, Creatures, Villains, Items,
Locations, Events. All of those types of Lore are all scattered around
out there. And we feel it captures a good percentage of what users of
Lore Link are going to be entering in.

However, that doesn't mean that we think we've thought of everything.
We realize that, especially in [00:48:00] more complicated games,
maybe you want to break things down even finer. For example, if you're
playing more of a Vampire the Masquerade-type game where you have
different organizations and groups. Or you're maybe you're playing a
Blades in the Dark or Forged in the Dark where things are a little bit
more, you've got different groups all over the place which are doing
different things and have different motivations and it's important to
keep track of who's with who. Or even if you're just doing something
as simple as a Pathfinder Society game, and often times those have
special events for people who are in certain groups.

You may want to create your own tags so that you can keep track of them.
So for example, let's say we have this list of characters here. We've
got King Nevermind, the Guard, the Priest, the Elven Ambassador. Maybe
we've got the villain and things like that. Maybe they belong to a
couple of different groups and we want to be able to keep track of them.
So maybe we create a tag for a group called The King's Hand or
something like that. And we'll call [00:49:00] them Royalists and
we'll just call this "a group dedicated to keeping the king on the

We can have parent tags, because maybe you have let's say you're
playing a supernatural type game where you have mortals and you have
supernatural type. Parent tags are a quick and easy way of organizing
that. Much like we did hierarchy in locations, you can do hierarchies in
tags as well.

So The King's Hand, you can come in here and you can say, okay what
game objects do we want we can say the king is part of that group. We
can say that maybe let's say the king and the guard, the guard is also
dedicated to that group as well.

There. Now we've added those two things. And now that they're
associated with them, we can come over to the king and we can see up
here at the top that we've added the king's hand as a tag for them
[00:50:00] And so you can look at other things and be like, okay, well
maybe we want to.… maybe we want the Elven Ambassador to be a King's
Hand so we can click on that and just like that they're part of it.

We decide no, maybe not; uncheck it and it's gone. You can create new
tags just as simple as going, oh, let's create a.… The Grey Hands,
and we can click create tag since it doesn't exist. And, boop, it pops
up, and now it's automatically checked. And you can have multiple tags,
so The Grey Hands, The Woodland Folk, and you can just keep creating
tags just like that.

And it doesn't just have to be game objects and things like that. The
villain can have it, an item could be associated with a particular
thing. Locations could be , maybe you have a, maybe this group has a
headquarters and a main hall, and so you want to be like, oh, the main
hall. That's obviously where the King's Hand people meet, and so we
can tag it just like that.

Maybe we want certain events to be associated with certain [00:51:00]
groups or certain organizations. For example, earlier I talked about in
Pathfinder Society, certain events are keyed to certain groups that the
player characters might be involved in, and so maybe you're like, oh,
okay let's go over to City of Ruins and we'll say that is a Woodland
Folk event.

We come over to Tag. You see we've created these here. We can click on
it. And if we need a quick listing of, okay, who of all is involved in
the Woodland Folk? Okay, what events are associated with them, what
locations are associated with them, all of those are stored right there.

So you have a quick and easy way of organizing things and categorizing
things. Say you have a point system that you're keeping track of where
if you do certain favors for a group, you want to keep track of that. Or
maybe just keeping track of notes or other things associated with that

This tag gives you a kind of a section where you can set it up and
basically associate everything with it and keep all that information in
one place as opposed to being like, [00:52:00] "okay, I need to
create a event called it. Maybe it's a crazy, is this the King's head?
It's really more of a group. So how do I design a creature? Where do I
store that information? Do I store it on the King? Because it's kind of
the head of it," but you could just instead create the group as a tag,
then put all that information and associate with the tag, giving you one
place to find all of that information really quickly.

And it also enables you to quickly look at a character and be like,
"Oh, okay, wait, does this character have a secret motivation or
something like that? Were they actually -Oh, they're part of The
King's Hand. Okay, cool." Just like that, you can look that up and see
that you don't have to go looking, combing through notes or other
things to figure out what secret organizations you may or may not have
put somebody in. Maybe they're double crossing somebody else and they
have multiple associations, things like that. Easy, quick, it's all
just right there.

[00:52:53] Timelines

Mark: All right, let's talk about Timelines. A lot of times maybe
you're generating things and there's [00:53:00] two kind of uses for
timelines. Timelines could be a list of things which have happened
before the game. If you're the type of person who creates an expansive
campaign world and you want to be able to keep track of, "King Henry I
was followed by King George II, which was followed by Queen Elizabeth
I," and you want all these time periods set up so you can keep track of
all these different events and who was ruling when, and all this
information is important to your campaign because you're building this
living world, and when one of your players asks you these things, or
you're building off of that, you want to have that information
available so you don't say something wrong, and then oops, now you've
got to re-sort and re-jigger all your stuff.

The other thing you can use Timelines for is if you have a general flow
for your game that you're planning, that you're wanting to keep
things.… going in a straight line. Not necessarily on railroad tracks,
but you have things going on in the background which will happen no
matter what the players are [00:54:00] doing.

Maybe the evil overlord is massing their minions. Maybe they're sending
messengers to other kingdoms. And so depending on what order they visit,
what kingdoms, basically, they may encounter, basically, you want them
to be like, "Oh, the Evil Overlord has already been to this kingdom but
he hasn't been to this one yet." And things like that, and so you're
keeping all of that on track.

And sometimes it's just as easy as you want to keep track of seasons.
And you want to be able to say, okay, these events take place in spring,
now it's summer, now it's fall, now it's winter. So when one of your
players asks, "Hey, what's the temperature outside?" Or even in a
werewolf game, somebody asks you, "Hey, what's the moon status?" You
can be like, "Aha! I've got that on my timeline. The events that
we're looking at right now take place under a new moon."

Alright how do timelines work? They're relatively straightforward. When
you're going to create a timeline, you're probably going to create a
group of events first. And then you're gonna come into your timeline
and be like, okay, now I'm going to [00:55:00] create a timeline.
I'm going to call it maybe The Way Things Were, or maybe The Storyline.
Maybe I'll just create something, Main thread. So I'm going to create
that. And so now I'm going to go in there. And so you have this
timeline up here at the top. And you're going to be able to associate
events with it.

So if you come in here, and you're like, okay Meeting With the Priest
is the first event. And then after that event we will say, I can
associate Ambush at the Inn. And if I wanna associate something and I
go, oh, I haven't created it yet, let's go with Travel to the City.
Let's put that at two, oops. I accidentally associated two at zero, but
I can come up to the timeline here, grab this, move it to one. And that
will reset that, so now you can see the index [00:56:00] is 0, 1, 2. I
can sort by that index. If I need to remove something, I can unlink it.

If I want to go to that event, I can click Go To, and Edit takes me to
this screen where I set the index, if I want to change the index this
way as opposed to dragging across the grid up on top. So that's how you
can add a series of events to a timeline.

Now, there are a couple of other things you may want to do. For example,
if these events were, instead, historic events, and I wanted to indicate
that the first two happened under the reign of King Marigold the
Magnificent. I can create an interval, and say, starts at zero, ends at
one, I could call this the "Reign of King Marigold."

If I wanted basically "good times in the kingdom," then I could say
that. So now I have reign of the King Marigold. And you can see it's
right there. If I click on it, it'll basically show me that. If I click
on these other events, it'll show me what they are as well. I can
[00:57:00] zoom out or in on this. So that is a way you can set up
intervals that take place.

We talked about seasons. Maybe you want these things to actually be a
certain season. So you can say between 1 to 2 is spring season. Mild

So now I can keep track of those things relatively quickly and easily
without having to resort to looking at notes and figuring out what time
periods, or what was when. You've also may also have noticed that it
talks about Sessions.

We'll talk about Sessions here in a little bit, but Sessions are
essentially a play session with your players. You've sat down, you've
played the game, and maybe you want to say associate a session with a
timeline, maybe you want to say that this timeline was everything that
happened in the session, and here are the events that happened, and
here's the order that they happened, because you want to keep your
notes organized that way.

Or, maybe you want to say, [00:58:00] I've got this main overall
storyline and I want a series of different sets of events. So these two
events were session one, these two events were session two. If you
looked at the session, the interval rather, you can associate a session
with those.

You can also associate a timeline, so you can have essentially sub
timelines underneath a timeline. You can say, okay, this is basically if
you wanted to, you just want a single dot on here that says, Reign of
King Marigold, and then the next one that says, Reign of Queen Susie.
You can have those as individual associated timelines, and then you can
break down all the events that happen during their reigns as their own
timelines, rather than cramming all that information into one historic

That is it for timelines. So since we started talking about sessions,
let's move on to that.

[00:58:52] Intro to Sessions

Mark: Okay. Sessions. Sessions are finally the point you've come
down to. You're actually sitting down with your players at the table
[00:59:00] with everything you've created.

And so now you've got a ton of stuff maybe in Lore Link. You've got a
ton of Events at different Locations and some Characters and some
Creatures and Villains. And that's a lot of stuff to keep track of. And
you may be like, "I really just want to know what I'm doing this

Or you're coming back to a previous session; you're like, "what did
we even cover last session? Did we get through everything that I
planned? I can't remember. I want to know what happened last session."
And that's what Sessions are here for: when you're actually sitting
down with your players and going through the game. It's a quick one
stop kind of area that you can come to that lets you view all of the
stuff you may or may not need for a session.

[00:59:42] Lore Link's Plans for Players

Mark: Brief aside, because we've talked about Players a little bit.
We are, Lore Link is going to be doing more with players in the future.
For now, we mostly just have a place for you to stick information about
the players that are going to be in your game.

It is not currently accessible to those players [01:00:00] but, in the
future there will be additional things that will allow you to connect to
players and let players have their own stats and their own notes and
things like that and you have access to them. But for right now, this is
an area where you can store information about the players: the player
name, a short description about the player, maybe a longer description,
maybe an image they've given you maybe the stats, if you're in a game
which is particularly stat heavy and you want to keep track of that.
Again, custom fields as a template. If you wanted to, for example, you
wanted all your players to have the same set of stat things you want to
keep track of for example, there are three fields that you always seem
to need for a Pathfinder game.

You're like, "oh, I need to check your perception. I want to check
your AC, and I want to check your hit points." So I want to call those
out as custom fields so I don't have to sort through the description to
find them. I just want to call out those individual fields so I can
quickly see them, pull them up, things like that. Maybe they're
associated with other things in the game. Maybe they're like, oh, this
person [01:01:00] is currently carrying, maybe they're carrying this
Sword of Undead Slaying. So you want to make sure that you associate
them. So that's a quick way of doing that. And then of course, notes.
So that's the kind of what Players are here for. They're not really a
fully fleshed out section yet, but there will be more on that coming

[01:01:17] More on Sessions

Mark: But back to Sessions. So you've sat down with your players
and you're like, okay, this is session one, we'll say, and basically,
the start of the adventure.

Maybe you want more of a description of what's going to, you plan on
happening. Basically, " the players meet the priest, get ambushed, and
then start the overland trek." Okay, and so you can say what date
you're planning on playing this on. So let's say June 22nd, we're
planning on playing this one, and we have a status for you're planning
it, it's currently active because it's the one you're running, or
it's completed, so you can easily sort through [01:02:00] ones
you're working on, and which ones you're actively playing, and which
ones you're marking as, okay, those are done, I don't need to think
about them as much until I want to come back and look at them. So we'll
keep that one in planning. We'll save that. As you can see, it does
show up, we have a little calendar up here, it does show up on there.

And so now I can go into the Session, and a session is essentially a big
set of lists because you have all of this information you've created
and you want to narrow it down to a particular set of things you think
will happen. So let's say we think some events are going to happen. So
we talked about the Meeting with the Priest. Let's associate that one.

Let's associate the Ambush at the Inn and let's associate the Travel
to the City and let's associate the A City in Ruins. There we go.
M'kay. So now we have [01:03:00] all of those associated in there.
Maybe we want to associate some locations. Let's quick create, let's
go to the City, Temple City, we'll just do that.

I think I've got an image for that. Let's create a, let's grab a
quick mood image for that one. City on Fire, that works. And we'll just
leave that one for there right now. Okay, so now basically we've
associated these things and I'm like, okay, I think these things are
going to happen. I want to associate the Priest in here.

Maybe I want to associate, maybe he hands them, maybe we talk about the
Sword of Undead Slaying. So we'll add that as well. So again, you're
adding all of those things so that when it comes time for the session,
you can come in here and be like, "oh, okay. What am I planning to get
done this session? Here are the events I'm planning on happening. Here
are the locations I'm planning on going to. Here are the game objects
I'm thinking could be associated with it." We talked about timelines,
so if you [01:04:00] want to say this session takes place during a
certain set of time on the timeline, you can associate with an interval.

So you can look and see if you're like, okay, I'm going to create a
couple events that happen in the background. What happened during this
session that my players weren't aware of? Okay, the bad guy moved his
troops here and then he sent an emissary to this kingdom here to
convince them to join him or die. These things happen in the background
and now I can use that interval. To look at that and I can understand,
okay that's right, these things are happening at the same time.

But we all know that sessions are a nebulous thing. Game sessions are
social events. You are here to have a good time with your friends and
that means spending time with your friends and that sometimes means
maybe you do more talking about other things than the game. Maybe you
are a strict game master and when you show up to the game you're going
to get through these things and you keep your players on track and on
time and more power to you.

But other [01:05:00] times people are just like, "Oh, this is a
social thing. We're talking, we're doing these things." Or maybe your
players just, you know, the Meeting with the Priest happens and they do
that and then they wander off and they're like, "okay, now that we're
gonna do that we need to go look up this other stuff. Yes, he knows he
says it's an emergency we need to get going, but we really want to go
talk to the mayor of the town to find out if he's heard anything. Can
we check with this resource to see if maybe they know something? We need
to go buy new swords because we need undead stuff. Oh, hey-" and maybe
you end up creating a weird side quest on the side and things like that.
So all of those things can change over the course of a session.

[01:05:36] Flexibility in Sessions

Mark: So we've created sessions to be really flexible. So if you
come in here and you need to add a new event, so say, for example the
Blacksmith Side Quest that they just created on their thing "quest to
find a hammer." And so now, basically, now that's associated as well.

And because you wanted to keep track of that one happened in here as
[01:06:00] well. But maybe you want to keep track of okay, the Meeting
with the Priest happened, the Ambush with the Inn happened, and the
Blacksmith Side Quest happened. But these two things didn't happen. Now
we've marked these things as completed, so if we come back to the
session later, after it's done, and I'm like, did we actually get to
the temple? No, we didn't get to the temple. We didn't travel to the
city. We didn't see the city in ruins. We didn't do those events.
Okay, now you've come into here, you've quickly gotten an update, and
now you know how to plan for the next session.

And to help you with that, we also have the ability to check these. You
can either say, Select incomplete or you can select individual ones and
then with the selected ones, you can copy or move those to new or
existing sessions so you can say, okay, I want to leave them in here to
remind me that I was planning five events and we only did three. Okay. I
want, that's important information for you to know for planning. How
many do we actually go through versus how many do I plan? And one of
these was [01:07:00] brand new. And so, okay. I want to keep track of
that. Or maybe you want to move them because you want to keep this clean
and you want to be like, okay, I just want to see what we actually did
in this session.

Maybe you already have the session set up and you want to copy them in.
You can copy them in, or you could say move and say, move to new session
and you can create session two just like that Trek Overland and we'll
say that that one's going to get played a week later. Now that we have
that I have moved those to a new session. They're gone from here. And
let's say I need I want to move the Temple over as well. I can say
instead move it to an existing session, or maybe we'll copy that one
copy to an existing session and we can copy that to session two, which
we just created from the move, we can copy that one there. Now, if we go
to sessions, we can see [01:08:00] session one exists and there's
session two.

And we talked about Timelines earlier. If we wanted to mark the fact
that those first two events, again, basically remember we have an event
one here, which is Ambush at the Inn.

Oops, that's Meeting with the Priest. Let's flip those. Put that
there. Meeting with the priest. All right, let's move that one there,
and then move this one here. All right, there we go. Ambush at the Inn,
Meeting with the Priest. And we have this interval here.

We may want to say, instead of this being the reign of King Marigold,
let's go ahead and edit that to say, session one events. We can just
put that as session one. And now we know on our timeline, we can look
session one events and we can see, okay, those two happened. And if we
go to that session, [01:09:00] we can see that that session is now
associated with an interval. Just like that, we now have all this
information just quickly stored for us. And of course, as always notes
are there.

[01:09:11] Switch to View Mode

Mark: So last note on running stuff in Lore Link. Eventually, we are
going to be adding new features like more of a GM screen that will allow
you to organize your information on your screen, how you want it and add
in other things like encounter management and things like that.

But for right now, the easiest way to get around and look at things and
not have to deal with all the edit boxes and things like that is switch
to View mode. That allows you to quickly hop around, see just the
information you've entered, not empty boxes of stuff that you haven't

You can look at things, you can quickly pop around, you can basically
view Events, view Locations, Ambush at the Inn we didn't put much into,
like Meeting with the Priest, you have all that information there.
[01:10:00] Locations. For example, we talked about the Ground Floor.
We've got that map, we've got those hotspots on those maps.

When you're in view mode, you can click on them and it takes you to
them. Now we're at the Main Hall. You've got the tag system, you can
jump around that. All of that is available in view mode in a much
smaller, much faster view. So you just have the information on the
screen, which is important.

Now if you want to add something in here and you don't want to jump
back into edit mode, remember we have that Create New Note button down
here in the corner. That will allow you to quickly add a note to
whatever it is you're looking at. And just say.… "The King's Hand
were betrayed." You save that, and that note's associated even though
you're in View mode. So all of that is right there, and it just lets
you quickly just hop around and see just the information that you want
to see.

[01:10:52] Conclusion

Mark: Alright, that is all I have to talk about here for Lore Link.
There is a lot of information, obviously. We created a whole
"campaign"[01:11:00] - heavy air quotes around that - in basically
just over an hour or so. Obviously it's going to take you longer when
you're actually inputting all of the notes and things you're thinking
of, but each individual piece is relatively quick to set up.

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch this, to look through
this, and we hope that if you have any questions, concern, feedback that
you feel free to contact us. There is a contact link up at the top of
the page.

So again, thank you very much and we will catch you later.